In my work I mainly deal with topics such as the female body, pain, loss and death. Whereas in the past I was often influenced by family stories, the ideas that are revealed to me now come from a collective space. It is as if I can visually express collective topics, even though I have not experienced any of them myself. I work with different materials, depending on which material best visualizes the essence of an idea.



Linda Ackermann


lives and works in Switzerland


2023   arts and crafts - ibw Maienfeld


2013   Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts - University of Applied Science & Arts Lucerne


2009  Creative pre Course - Art school Liechtenstein





2020  Group exhibition Urkraft Hoffnung - evangelische Kirche Altstätten


2018   Group exhibition potentiale 2018 - Galerie Art dOséra Diepoldsau


2010   Group exhibition art trogen - Galerie am Landsgemeindeplatz Trogen





Die Entdeckung von neuen Talenten - NEUE Vorarlberger Tageszeitung